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Announcement of the Franco Regli Prize's winners 2020/2021

Since the first Franco Regli Prize in 2001, the amount and scientific quality of the submitted publications has continuously grown. To acknowledge the outstanding research effort, originality and innovation potential among the numerous submitted works, the committee has decided for the Franco Regli Prize 2020/2021 to apply a two-tier recognition system with one prize winner and three distinguished nominees.

The Franco Regli Prize 2020/21 is awarded to

1st Prize is awarded to Dasha Elena Nelidova, for the work: 

Dasha Nelidova, Rei K. Morikawa, Cameron S. Cowan, Zoltan Raics, David Goldblum, Hendrik P. N. Scholl, Tamas Szikra, Arnold Szabo, Daniel Hillier, Botond Roska, Restoring light sensitivity using tunable near-infrared sensors. Published 5 June 2020, Science 368, 1108 (2020) DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz5887


The three distinguished nominees are (in alphabetical order)

Fosco Bernasconi, Eva Blondiaux, for the work:

F Bernasconi, E Blondiaux, J Potheegadoo, G Stripeikyte, J Pagonabarraga, H Bejr-Kasem, M Bassolino, M Akselrod, S Martinez-Horta, F Sampedro, M Hara, J Horvath, M Franza, S Konik, M Bereau, J-A Ghika, P.R Burkhard, D Van De Ville, N Faivre, G Rognini, P Krack, J Kulisevsky, O Blanke. Robot-induced hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease depend on altered sensorimotor processing in fronto-temporal network. Science Translational Medicine 28;13(591):eabc8362.

Annika Keller, for the work:

Y. Zarb, S. Sridhar, S. Nassiri, S. G. Utz, J. Schaffenrath, U. Maheshwari, E. J. Rushing, K.P. R Nilsson, M. Delorenzi, M. Colonna, M. Greter, A. Keller. Microglia control small vessel calcification via TREM2. Sci Adv. Feb 26;7(9):eabc4898(2021). doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abc4898. Print 2021 Feb. PMID: 33637522

Peter N. Nirmalraj, Thomas Schneider and Ansgar Felbecker, for the work:

Peter N. Nirmalraj, Thomas Schneider and Ansgar Felbecker, Spatial organisation of protein aggregates on RBCs as physical biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease pathology. Science Advances, 7, eabj2137, 2021.

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