Call for Applications
Prize Franco Regli 2019
Application deadline is now closed. Winners announcement for the Prize 2019 and more information about the Prize 2020/2021 are to come soon.
The Franco Regli Foundation for Research in the Field of Neurodegenerative Diseases awards a prize of CHF 10’000 to a researcher or a research team working in Switzerland – no matter the nationality – having achieved an outstanding scientific publication in the mentioned area. Swiss authors may submit work carried out abroad.
For a publication to be considered, it needs to be published in a peer reviewed scientific journal in 2018/2019 or accepted for publication in 2019.
Candidates are requested to send their scientific publication along with their CV to the email below. In addition, a hard copy must be sent to the postal address below. If a work is not yet published, but is accepted for publication, please attach the journal’s letter of acceptance.
Address: Maria Cristina Donati-Regli, President of the Board, Brunnadernstrasse 29, 3006 Bern.