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 Welcome to the
Franco Regli Foundation for the research in the field of neurodegenerative diseases 

Research Day 2024 of the USZ Clinical Neuroscience Center and

Award Ceremony for Franco Regli Prize 2022/2023


5 September 2024 



17:20 Award ceremony of the Franco Regli Prize



Monakow Auditorium, USZ, Frauenklinikstrasse 26, Zurich

Link to detailed programme for

KNZ Research Day 2024


Winner announcement

Franco Regli Prize 2022/2023

The Foundation’s Scientific Committee praised the consistently high quality of the works submitted. The Foundation is pleased to announce the winner and distinguished nominee:


Prize Winner

Fosco Bernasconi

for the work: Fosco Bernasconi, Javier Pagonabarraga, Helena Bejr-Kasem, Saul Martinez-Horta, Juan Marín-Lahoz, Andrea Horta-Barba, Jaime Kulisevsky & Olaf Blanke.Theta oscillations and minor hallucinations in Parkinson's disease reveal decrease in frontal lobe functions and later cognitive decline


Distinguished Nominee

Federica M. Conedera

for the work: Federica M. Conedera, Judith M. Runnels, Jens V. Stein, Clemens Alt, Volker Enzmann and Charles P. Lin. Assessing the role of T cells in response to retinal injury to uncover new therapeutic targets for the treatment of retinal degeneration

Congratulations to the co-authors and research teams.

More information to come >


The Franco Regli Foundation supports research in the area of neurodegenerative diseases and awards scientific works in the field. Professor of Neurology Franco Regli has created the Foundation with the aim of supporting and encouraging researchers in the field of neuroscience.


From this impulse, the Foundation has established a prize to award the best scientific works in fundamental or clinical research within the field of neurodegenerative diseases.

Read further >


The Foundation awards a prize to a researcher or a research team working in Switzerland – regardless of their nationality – having achieved a high-quality scientific publication in fundamental or clinical research in the field of neurodegenerative diseases.

For a publication to be considered, it needs to be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal or accepted for publication. 

Read further on the call for application, eligibility and conditions of submission >


Donations to the Franco Regli Foundation for Research in the Field of Neurodegenerative Diseases are accepted with gratefulness and will serve in line with the aims of the Foundation. The Foundation is subjected to the Surveillance Authority LPP and the Foundations of Western Switzerland (Autorité de surveillance LPP et des Fondations de Suisse occidentale).

The Franco Regli Foundation is a non-profit foundation. Donations can be deducted from taxable income according to the Swiss cantonal laws. A donation’s certificate will be provided and acknowledgements might be published on this website upon request.


Account information for donations >

Maria Cristina Donati-Regli

President of the Board of Foundation

Brunnadernstrasse 29, 3006 Berne

+41 31 352 06 56


Read further >

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