Professor of Neurology Franco Regli has created the Foundation with the aim of supporting and encouraging researchers in the field of neuroscience.
From this impulse, the Foundation has established a prize to award the best scientific works in fundamental or clinical research within the field of neurodegenerative diseases.

Prof. Dr. med. Franco Regli
Board Members
Maria Cristina Donati-Regli, lic. sc. pol, SM, President
Prof. Dr. med. Pierre Magistretti, Vice-President
Lucien Masmejan, Attorney at Law, Secretary
Prof. Dr. med. Patrice Guex
Prof. Dr. med Renaud Du Pasquier
Prof. Dr. med Luca Regli
Scientific Committee
In order to guarantee a peer review process of the applicants’ scientific work, the Foundation is allowed to call external experts into the Scientific Jury in charge of evaluating and selecting the scientific publication to be awarded.
Reviewing Organ
Ofisa S.A. Lausanne
Registered Office
Etude de Preux, Besso, de Selliers & Sinner
Matthieu Sinner
Avenue du Théâtre 7, 1005 Lausanne