
Donations to the Franco Regli Foundation for Research in the Field of Neurodegenerative Diseases are accepted with gratefulness and will serve in line with the aims of the Foundation. The Foundation is subjected to the Surveillance Authority LPP and the Foundations of Western Switzerland (Autorité de surveillance LPP et des Fondations de Suisse occidentale).
The Franco Regli Foundation is a non-profit Foundation. Donations can be deducted from taxable income according to the Swiss cantonal laws. A donation’s certificate will be provided and acknowledgements might be published on this website upon request.
Account information for donations
Credit Suisse
No: 0207-934198-81
On behalf of: Franco Regli Foundation for Research in the Field of Neurodegenerative Diseases
IBAN: CH20 0483 5093 4198 8100 0
Clearing: No. 483